You need to equip yourself with Amulet of Seeing before you can see them....



€When you are in the barracks, use the right exit and there will be one behind some trees.

€In the ice caves. The second "room" (with the lantern hanging from the ceiling).

€In the room where you found the amulet of seeing in the glass palace (where you needed the diamond key).

€The area just before you meet Cane.

€In the caves. The treasure room next to the room where you met the potion-selling guy for the first time.

€In the room with the telescope in the library.

€In the monastery. Where you found one chest, and there is another one in the main hall where the stairs go up over the entrance door.

€In the spire where you have the intersection.

€In rain in a dead-end close to the bell you have to ring in order to open a gate. From the bell-place this is located down, up, down (as you see it when you are standing in each place).

€On the second floor of Reubens house.

€In Rain, a half-open gate on a long street in lower Rain (two scenes from Othias' Tower). Near unopening gate in Rain (close to the door to Lower Rain).

€In Rain, sewers. Room with bridge and crane.

€In Rain, chains. Small room under stairs.

€In Rain, great Chain. (where you killed Fuge)

€In Rain, sewers. Area behind the Rusted Key gate.

€In Deadgate, room with two portals.

€In Metalon, next room from where you got Anelectus.

€In Metalon, room behind Halfmoon key door.